Our brand is Slackers Movin4ward! At S|M4 we believe that working together to improve yourself and your community is key.
S|M4 is an online urban loungewear clothing concept that encourages our fan base to embody individuality through a unique style. HOWEVER, We recognized that our true passion is more than material good our passion is in social change and with that we created a parallel focus of fashion and community service. Our clothing promotes unity for our consumers which in return allows them to be apart of our movement! _______________________________________________ WHAT WE DO: _______________________________________________ We aspire to teach our youth to be more than the status quo: don't just find a job, own a business; excel in everything you do; always use forward thinking. Those are the types of standards we want our youth to embrace. YESTERDAY, JUNE 25, 2015 WE PRESENTED AN EXCEPTIONAL STUDENT FROM THE ACADEMY OF URBAN PLANNING WITH A $500 RECOGNITION SCHOLARSHIP FOR ACADEMIC EXCELLENCE AND OUTSTANDING SERVICE TO HER COMMUNITY!!! MARANDA RIVERA TRULY DESERVED THIS AWARD!
Special thanks to AUP for partnering with us and we look forward to future collaborations. WE APPRECIATE ALL OF YOU WHO DONATED TIME AND MONEY AT OUR STRIKES FOR SCHOLAR FUNDRAISER EVENT, YOU ARE THE REASON THIS IS POSSIBLE!!!!