Winter is near therefore Slackersm4 is bringing the Heat with a day of love, family and fun! with our First Family Night. Join us on Sunday, December 13, 2015 at Majority Baptist Church and help us promote unity amongst families in our community. That's right we are putting the "LOVE YOURS" back in famiLY. Come out and enjoy a family friendly movie, team building games/ activities, music and refreshments all on us.
Majority Baptist Church
St. Albans, Queens
Please email us with any questions at
*In order for us to better prepare for this event we ask that all attendees RSVP by entering their information below.
*Please note that by registering for this event you agree to have any photos of you at this event shared on Slackers|M4 website or social media sites. If you do not agree with this pleace let us know.
Thank you in advance